Waggles dog field conditions of use of Our secure dog Walking field.


  • No more than 7 Dogs.
  • No more than 2 Cars per visit.
  • No more than 6 people.
  • Your own dog toys are permitted but must be taken home with you when you leave. 
  • by booking you agree you have read all the terms and conditions set out below.       

Please Read all of the terms and conditions below prior to booking the use of the secure field.     

1. By clicking the ACCEPT TERMS button you are automatically agreeing to ALL of the Terms and Conditions set out below. 

2. Please note use of the fields are subject to written agreement that you accept these conditions of use. Any violation of these conditions will lead to removal of the fields as a facility for your use.


3. Please refer to Prices page for current prices. Waggles dog field reserve the right to alter the pricing structure for use of the fields without prior notice.

4. Payment is via the Online Booking System. You can use your Paypal account or major debit and credit cards via the Paypal  payment portal.

Booking & Cancellations

5. Use of the fields are strictly by appointment only (Please Contact Us to make a booking or use the website booking tool). Any breach of this condition will lead to your permitted use of the field being permanently revoked.

6. Bookings are non transferable to other people and if not cancelled with a minimum of 2 hours notice payments will not be refunded.

7. bookings that are cancelled with 2 hours notice or more will be refunded. Refunds will be made within 48 hrs              .

8. To Cancellations are not possible if they are attempted to be made with less than 2 hours notice, and payments will not be refunded.

Numbers of vehicles.

9. Use of the field is limited to 2 vehicles for the duration of your booking.

10. All vehicles must be parked in the designated parking area.

Accompanying individuals.

11. Other individuals may join you on your visit (you must contact us to register all accompanying individuals prior to your visit) You must also adhere to the number of vehicles set-out in 9. All individuals will be bound by all terms and conditions set out under out terms and agreement.

Number of persons in one booking

12. Maximum 5 people.

Handover from one booking to another.

13. All arriving clients and their dogs must remain in there vehicle until the client before them has secured their dogs into their vehicle and left the car park. After that you may exit your vehicle and begin your short walk to the secure field.

Car Parking

14. Car parking is only allowed in the designated car parking space and parked at owners risk, Waggles Dog field accepts no liability for any loss or damages sustained in the use of the car park.

15. Under no circumstances are any cars to be parked in Coppice lane or surrounding area, any parking violation will result in your removal from use of the facilities.

Withdrawal of Facility

16. Waggles dog field Reserve the right to withdraw permission to use the facility at their discretion, for example on the basis of weather conditions, or where individuals have not complied with the conditions of use. Subject to the reason for the withdrawal of the facility, any advanced payment may be refunded. However Waggles dog field shall be under no liability for any other expenses incurred or loss sustained by the client as result of the use of the facility being withdrawn at our sole discretion.

Opening Times

17. For safety reasons the fields will be open at specific times during the summer and winter seasons. (Please see opening times on the company web site for current opening times). Strictly no access to the field is allowed outside of these opening times.

Dogs to be kept on lead

18. ALL dogs are to be kept on their leads from the Car park until they enter the secure field area and the secure gate is closed behind you and the field is secure, you may then release your dogs. Maximum number of dogs at one time is 4.

Entrance to the site

19. Entrance to the site is from Coppice lane through the gate marked Plant Nursery.

20. If the main entrance gate or Secure field gate is locked, customers will be provided with a means of unlocking the gate ahead of their appointment. Customers must ensure they lock all accessed entrance /exit gates when exiting the fields.

21. On exiting the field similarly you must ensure all dogs are on their leads before opening the secure gate and proceeding to the car park area and placing your dogs in your vehicle.

22. Waggles dog field accepts no liability for any damage or loss sustained whilst customers are in the car park. Customers waiting to use the field with their booking must remain in their vehicle(s) whilst the car park is vacated by the previous customer. Should you enter the field late within the time of your booking this will not alter the end time of your booking. You should ensure that you vacate the site on time so as not to cause any delay to anybody waiting to start their booking.

Maintenance & Health & Safety

23. There is drinking water on site for your dogs only, together with clean dog bowls. You may also bring your own but no containers or bowls you bring on site are to be left behind by Customers. Please take anything you bring with you away with you.  Please take your rubbish/litter home with you using the Carrier Bags provided inside the shelter as we have no litter bins on site!  Feel free to provide adequate drinking water for your dogs needs, especially in the hotter weather.

Dog Waste

24. There are dedicated dog waste (Poop) bins located on site, these are clearly marked, customers must only use these Bins for the disposal of dog waste using the Compostable Poop bags we have provided inside the shelter! Please do not use your own poop bags unless instructed. All dog waste is composted and used as compost in our tree growing process, think recycle!!

25. Customers must only use the dustbins provided for the disposal of Dog Poop, Do Not place litter of any kind into these bins under any circumstances! 

26. The fields are countryside based facilities and as such although well maintained by us, there may be natural hazards for example, sticks, branches, stones, small holes, and stinging nettles in the field.

27. There are no toilets on site.

28. There is shelter for dogs and owners in case of rain and the sun on hot days, there is also seating on site. Customers are allowed to ‘picnic’ during their booking provided all materials, cups, food and litter are taken with you when you leave! No cooking of food is permitted and no lighting of fires under any circumstances!

29. Customers or Children must not climb on any structures, equipment or fences on site, Waggles dog field  will not accept any liability for personal injury however caused.

30. No tents or other structure either temporary or permanent should be erected anywhere on site.

31. Use of any equipment or structures within the fields (provided by Waggles dog field) is entirely at your own risk and Waggles dog field will not accept any liability for any injury to people or dogs however caused.

32. The fields and fencing will be inspected daily to ensure it is healthy and secure but please notify us if you have any concerns.

33. Customers/you must pick up any feces from your dog(s) using the Compostable poop bags supplied inside the shelter and place them in the designated bins provided. Anyone found to disregard this condition may have their permission to use the field withdrawn.

34. You must not litter the fields and you are responsible for disposing of your litter by taking it home with you in the carrier bags provided inside the shelter.

35. Owners must discourage their dog(s) from digging and any resultant holes from your dog(s) digging must be filled in prior to leaving the fields, any holes you are unable to fill in yourself, must be reported directly to us before you leave the site so we can rectify them.

36. Any fence damage of any kind must be reported before you leave the site to ensure the safety of the next customer and their dogs.

37. The site may get wet and muddy from time to time (especially in the winter months) so customers must ensure adequate and suitable footwear is worn at ALL times.

38. You must remove all of your personal dog toys and training aids on leaving the field, being particularly vigilant to remove any broken toys or balls. Tennis balls in particular pose a serious choking risk to any dog.

39. STRICKTLY NO SMOKING OR VAPING OR USE OF PIPES on site. Anyone found violating this policy will have their permission to use the field withdrawn immediately and permanently.

40. Children under the care and/or control of the client are welcome but must be supervised at all times by the client. Children’s or adult pushbikes are NOT allowed on walking field at anytime.

41. Under no circumstances shall The Client bring onto Waggles dog field site any article of an inflammable or explosive nature, or that provides an offensive smell, or CFC or any civil, electrical, gas or any other apparatus without the written approval of Waggles dog field.

42. The Client will not operate the release of any high flying object, without the prior written consent of Waggles dog field, the Civil Aviation Authority and the relevant airports.

43. Strictly no drones are allowed at any time.

44. At no time should any dog(s) be tethered to any structures on site, e.g. Fencing, Posts, Gates.

45. You must not climb on gates fencing, posts, trees or any structure within the fields.

46. Dogs should not be left unattended at any time. You should accompany your dog(s) at all times such that you are aware of what they are doing, and can ensure they are safe and are complying with these terms and conditions.

47. In accordance with the law regarding ‘Responsible Dog Ownership’ you are entirely responsible for yours and your dog(s) safety whilst at Waggles dog field. Dogs must be kept on leads at all times when outside the secure field and as the law states you must be in control of them at all times.

Right of Entry

48. Waggles dog field staff will be allowed access at any time onto the land to carry out inspections and only decisions made by Waggles dog field regarding safety and fitness of use, will be binding.

49. Waggles dog field reserve the right to refuse permission to or evict any persons from the premises or fields.

Code of Ethics

50. Owners must ensure that all dogs using the fields are up to date with their dog(s) respective flea, worming, and tick control.

51. Waggles dog field does not allow the use of choke or prong collars, hand held spray or electronic training collars anywhere in the field or on the premises at any time for any reason.

52. Harsh handling of any dog(s) either verbal or physical is not allowed.

53. All dogs must wear their collars with an up to date tag and be micro-chipped.

54. dog walkers will only be allowed by prior agreement with Waggles dog field.

55. If your dog(s) or any dog(s) (they) live with are exhibit any signs of ill health (coughing, diarrhea, vomiting, general illness, lethargy etc) you will cancel any pending booking. This is to preserve the health of all dogs visiting the site as some may have weakened immune systems.

56. All Dog Trainers must provide a copy of their Professional Indemnity and Public Liability Insurance prior to be granted permission to use the field facility. Similarly Dog Walkers must provide a copy of their Public Liability Insurance. Inability to provide a copy will mean that permission to use the field will be withheld. Insurances must be kept up to date and valid for the intended duration of use of the field. No whistles, horns, sirens or P.As are allowed.


57. Waggles dog field have the right to cancel any booking forthwith in the event that Waggles dog field is affected by an emergency / ‘Act of God’ at any time. Waggles dog field will refund any fees paid.

Variations to the Agreement

58. Waggles dog field reserve the right to vary these terms and conditions at any time.

Marketing & Publication

59. Waggles dog field reserve the right to use any material including texts and images provided by you to us (in any format) or via our facebook page.

Preservation of Rights

60. This agreement does not create any rights over the land/field.

Personal Responsibilities

61. Waggles dog field and the land owner are not responsible and will not accept any liability for any loss, damage, injury or death what so ever caused by negligence or willful misconduct of the dog walking client or those party to it.


By clicking on the AGREE TERMS button I agree to abide by these rules, terms and conditions, and accept that the use of these facilities are done at my own risk and mine and my dogs behaviour and actions are my sole responsibility and no claim can be made against Waggles dog field or the landowner.

I accept that Waggles dog field will not be liable for any liability, losses, claims, actions, damages, costs, expenses or other liability incurred by the client through hiring the use of the Waggles dog field.

DOGS ONLY are permitted to use the play equipment, under strict supervision of their owners or guardians, CHILDREN/ADULTS are NOT ALLOWED TO USE THE PLAY EQUIPMENT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES!

Covid-19 Important you must read before using the field.
Due to the significant risks presented by the Covid-19 Pandemic (subject to UK Government Laws and Rules/lock down status) the following addendum’s have been made to the Terms & Conditions of use and these override any previous related conditions of use.

During lockdown use of the fields is only permitted if the fields are providing your one and only means of exercise for the day. Please refer to the Government guidance on the permissible rules for daily exercise.

If you are feeling unwell in any way (not only recognisable symptoms of Covid-19) please contact Waggles dog field and we can re-arrange your booking. Under no circumstance should you travel to the site and enter the fields if you are feeling unwell.

You must use gloves or hand sanitiser as a precaution whilst touching the lock and gate or any other object on entry and exit.

Do not touch the fence.

You must more than ever strictly adhere to the timing rules. (Exit the fields not later than ten to the hour and ensure you exit the site not later than five to the hour). Do not arrive at the site any earlier than 5 minutes before the start time of your booking.

If you do arrive and another client is in the process of leaving you must remain in your vehicle to ensure compliance with the governments guidance on social and physical distancing.

At an introductory visit prospective customers must ensure the fields are suitable and secure for their specific use (e.g fence height, fencing materials, and proximity to livestock).

Please note from time to time we may email or text you with promotional material relating to waggles dog field. If you do not wish to receive such promotions please inform us via email, phone, text message or through our facebook page directly to Amanda, we will then remove you from our mailing list.

By clicking Accept terms button I agree to be bound by the above conditions of use of the Waggles dog field facility.


Terms and Conditions V1.2.